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Wiktor Szymborski
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute of History
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e-mail: wiktor.szymborski@uj.edu.pl
T. Graff, The Oldest Fraternity of the Rosary in Wadowice (1616-1822), „Historia – Hereditas – Ecclesia”, ed. Rev. Andrzej Bruździński Th.D Habilitatus, Professor of UPJPII, vol. 8, Kraków 2020, s. 241.
The book describes the activity of the oldest Fraternity of the Rosary in Wadowice,which was estabilished in 1616 by the foundation of the burgher Jakub Wierczkowic. The Fraternity of he Rosary was an institution that gathered not onlysome ofthe inhabitantsof this small coity, but also people from neighboring communitieswho represented various states: the clergy, the nobility and the common folk.
Key words:
Fraternity of the rosary, Wadowice in modern times (until 1822), Oldest Brotherhood of the Rosary in Wadowice
241 – 244