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Michał Siwiec-Cielebon
independent researcher
The soldier of Polish Army for altars. Way of life and opinions of Karol Wojtyła senior in the light of military documents
The article discusses the military career of Karol Wojtyła senior – father of the Pope and today’s Saint John Paul II – based on preserved archival documents. Using primarily notes from qualification cards and lists and other documents preserved in the copy of Karol Wojtyła’s file folder in the Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe (WBH CAW, en. Military Historical Office of the Central Military Archives in Warsaw), described the course of his service as a non-commissioned officer and a military official in the Austro-Hungarian army (18 years) and since 1918 in the Polish Army as a military official and officer in military administration (9 years). The information was supplemented by data published years ago by the Austrian journalist Ernst Trost based on the documents of Wojtyła senior preserved in the Vienna Kriegsarchiv. K. Wojtyła ended duty of military service as a lieutenant in 1927, retiring. The opinions of superiors about Karol Wojtyła were also presented, allowing to outline his characterological features and attitude, indicating that many of these features and behaviors had an undoubted impact on the formation and development of Karol Wojtyła junior’s personality in his youth. Thanks to the detailed presentation of the military career of K. Wojtyła, it was possible to correct some wrong informations about him, including regarding his alleged participation in the battle of Gorlice or Wojtyła’s service in the Legiony Polskie (en. Polish Legions.). A separate thread is the history of these documents from the CAW, the originals of which in 1979 Edward Gierek passed on to John Paul II during his first pilgrimage to his homeland.
Key words:
Karol Wojtyła, John Paul II, the 56th Infantry Regiment of count Daun, the 12th Infantry Regiment of the Territory of Wadowice, the Poviat Army Recruiting Command in Wadowice, the Polish Army officer
Archival sources
Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne – Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe
Kolekcja Generałów i Osobistości
–Karol Wojtyła KGiO I.480 mikrofilm 727;
Kolekcja Akt Personalnych i Odznaczeniowych
– Czesław Jan Lisko AP 1324;
Kolekcja akt wojskowych z okresu międzywojennego
– Powiatowa Komenda Uzupełnień w Wadowicach I.374.47;
Archiwum Muzeum Tradycji Niepodległościowej Ziemi Wadowickiej im. 12 pp
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