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Grzegorz Chajko
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Wydział Historii i Dziedzictwa Kulturowego
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Department of History and Cultural Heritage
ORCID: click here
e-mail: grzegorz.chajko@upjp2.edu.pl
Book review: „ „Idziemy w bój życia”. The community of the Wadowice Middle School on the way to the Independent. In memory of the Wadowice residents: teachers, graduates and students of the Humanities Middle School in Wadowice, who gave their lives for the Independence of the Fatherland in 1914-1921”
Book review „ „ Idziemy bój życia”. The community of the Wadowice Middle School on the way to the Independent. In memory of the Wadowice residents: teachers, graduates and students of the Humanities Middle School in Wadowice, who gave their lives for the Independence of the Fatherland in 1914-1921” edited by Dr. Konrad Meus. The publication was published by the Association of Graduates of Marcin Wadowita Comprehensive Secondary School in Wadowice in 2018.
Key words:
book review, independent, Marcin Wadowita Comprehensive Secondary School in Wadowice
165 – 166
„Idziemy w bój życia”. Społeczność wadowickiego Gimnazjum w drodze do Niepodległej. Pamięci Wadowiczanom: nauczycielom, absolwentom i uczniom wadowickiego Gimnazjum Humanistycznego, którzy oddali życie za Niepodległość Ojczyzny w latach 1914-1921, red. K. Meus, Wadowice 2018.