Takie były początki. Grupa operacyjna Ministerstwa Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego na powiat Wadowice i losy jej funkcjonariuszy (część pierwsza – kim byli)

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Michał Siwiec-Cielebon

independent researcher


These were the beginnings. The Ministry of Public Security’s Operation Group for the Wadowice district and the fate of its officers (part one – who they were)

Despite the fact that 30 years have passed since the collapse of communist power in Poland, no one has yet undertaken research into the beginnings of the communist repressive organs in the Wadowice area, especially into the personalities of the first functionaries. This article is the first such attempt, and out of necessity due to the abundance of source materials, it has been divided into two parts. The first part presents the profiles of the first five men of the Wadowice security force – Władysław Kubka, later Kubicki, Józef Kociuba, Franciszek Wywłoka, Mieczysław Sadowy, and Michał Czekierda, all of whom arrived in Wadowice on the 26th and 27th of January 1945 from Jarosław and the surrounding area as an operation group of the Ministry of Public Security for the Wadowice district. On the basis of personal files, the author presented their education, political and social involvement, and participation in the fights of World War II. What draws attention is their poor educational background and inability to write properly in Polish, despite the fact that they had completed from five to seven grades of primary school, and one of them had even completed two forms of middle school. An important element of each biographical entry is the description of the circumstances under which these people joined the ranks of the Departament of Security. There is also a description of their career in the structures of the Departament of Public Security until they arrived in Wadowice. Their further tragic fate (except for one group leader, W. Kubka) will be described in the second part of the article. As background, the author presented in a shortened form the history of the Department of Public Security until it was transformed by Joseph Stalin’s decision into a ministry, and also the history of the seizure of properties used for the needs of the District Office of Public Security (PUBP) in Wadowice. The initial activity of the Wadowice PUBP has been mentioned only to a small extent. It will be presented more extensively in the second part of the article, where information about the service of the officers described in Wadowice and their further fate will also be presented.

Key words:

District Office of Public Security in Wadowice, Security Services, Wadowice, Ministry of Public Security, Poland 1945, functionaries of the Security Office


72 – 111


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Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej Oddział w Rzeszowie

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