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Krzysztof Koźbiał
Uniwersytet Jagielloński Instytut Studiów Europejskich Zakład Studiów nad Europą Środkową
Jagiellonian Uiversity in Kraków Institute of European Studies
ORCID: click here
e-mail: krzysztof.kozbial@uj.edu.pl
Another of the towns near Wadowice has a monographic publication, important from the point of view of the local community. It does not concern the history of the village as a whole, but a selected element of its functioning. It is a book entitled „Z dziejów parafii Witanowice”, published in 2021 by the Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Rozwoju Wsi Lgota, with co-financing from the Wadowice Poviat, the Tomice Commune and the Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Rozwoju Wsi Lgota.
Key words:
review, Witanowice, parish in Witanowice
275 – 277