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Karolina Krzeszowska
Joanna Pytlowska-Bajak
Marcin Witkowski
Muzeum Miejskie w Wadowicach
From May 29 to September 26, 2021 at the Town Museum in Wadowice was presented an exhibition of meteorites and tektites „Skarby nie z tej Ziemi”, prepared in cooperation with the Polish Meteorite Society. The exhibition includes over 200 specimens found on all continents, from the African Sahara to America South to Australia. Three collectors made their collections available: Kazimierz Mazurek, the owner of one of the largest meteorite collections in Poland, Andrzej Kotowiecki and Tomasz Głazaza. The exhibition started a larger project, as part of which lectures, a series of summer workshop meetings and an art competition were organized on the „Cosmic lapbook”.
Key words:
exhibition, lapbook, meteorite, treasures
252 – 255