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Katarzyna Grudniewska
Kolegium Europejskie w Krakowie
ORCID: click here
e-mail: kgrudniewska@ka.edu.pl
The Dominance of the Visual over the Word in the Concept of Plastic Theatre. Marginal Elements to the Activities of Kazimierz Porawski’s Amateur Puppet Theatre.
In this short text I focus on the place of words and visuality in theatre perfor mances. I base my considerations on the literature of the subject, in turn trying to guide the reader through the nooks and crannies of the plastic theatre genre, in which this aspect is extremely important. With an emphasis on visuality, I move from the analysis of plastic theatre to puppet theatre, outlining its intricate history.
The pretext for writing this text was a small exhibition that I saw at the Municipal Museum in Wadowice, where I could see documentation of the activities of three amateur theatres run by Kazimierz Porawski. He was the spiritus movens of cultural activities in Wadowice just after the war. He collaborated with Czesław Lempart on creating puppets and scenography. I found it interesting to describe their activities in the context of what was happening at that time on theatre stages, which were based on building performances based on visual signs. The modest photographic material made available to visitors during the exhibition made me realise that, despite operating in the provinces, in the difficult post-war years the artists took on a very demanding form that was puppet theatre. In this text I would like to describe three types of puppets that were used in the performances of the amateur theatre “Aladdin” and introduce the reader to the method of their construction, mechanization and animation.
Keywords: Kazimierz Porawski, Czesław Lempart, Plastic Theatre, Puppet Theatre, Aladyn
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