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Ewa Kowalik
Przemysław M. Płonka
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Jagiellonian University in Kraków
ORCID: click here
Tadeusz Szantroch’s path to „Czartak”. A sketch for a portrait of the poet
Tadeusz Szantroch was a teacher, soldier and poet. This trichotomy is visible in the text of the article, which begins with a short history of the Szantroch family and the biography of the protagonist, born in Tarnopol, but with his family connected with Tarnów. He came to Wadowice as a teacher, a graduate of philological studies at the Jagiellonian University and there he became involved with the „Czartak” poetry group. He became an active creator and activist of „Czartak” thanks to his acquain tance with Emil Zegadłowicz, also a philologiost, an expert and connoisseur of art.
Szantroch continued his teaching career in Kraków, which was brutally interrupted by World War II. However, he achieved the rank of military captain during World War I. His poetry is most fully associated with the „Czartak” period, when poems stylized somewhat on highland poetry were created, resonating with the notes of Beskid nature and culture. This is probably the most mature thread of his poetry, published in 5 volumes, partly after he had left Wadowice with regret, but still. The second part of this article is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of Tadeusz Szantroch’s poetic work, not only that related to the Beskids, but also the period of military service and the fight for a free Poland.
Keywords: Beskidy, „Czartak”, Kresy, Tarnów, Szantroch, Wadowice, Zegadłowicz
34 – 47
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