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Michał Siwiec-Cielebon
„Second youth” witness to history. Renovation of the Monument to Fallen Soldiers of the 12th Infantry Regiment of the Wadowice Region in 2023-2024
The comprehensive renovation of the Monument to the Fallen Soldiers of the 12th Infantry Regiment of Wadowice, conducted between 2023 and 2024, has become a significant event in the field of heritage conservation in Wadowice. What is important is not only the cost and scope of the investment but also the fact that it allowed for the discovery of additional, previously unnoticed details about the monument’s history. The monument still awaits its full monograph, and this article, serving as a supplement to the historical outline published in „Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny” over 20 years ago, aims to contribute further to its creation.
Keywords: the Monument to the Fallen Soldiers of the 12th Infantry Regiment of Wadowice, renovation
258 – 264
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