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Marcin Witkowski
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e-mail: martomwitkow@gmail.com
The history of the city in a unique edition. Monograph of Wadowice
The article is dedicated to the first of four volumes of the monograph on Wadowice, scheduled for release between 2024 and 2027. This project marks the culmination of years of efforts to produce a publication covering the history of Wadowice from its earliest mentions to the political transformation of 1989 – 1990. The first volume, subtitled Pod rządami książąt oświęcimskich i zatorskich, is divided into two parts. The first begins with a text by Dr. Karol Witkowski, an assistant professor at the Department of Geoenvironmental Research of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization at the Polish Academy of Sciences. His article examines the geographic environment of the Wadowice municipality. Dr. hab. Sławomir Dryja from the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków characterizes the region’s archaeology. Dr. hab. Marcin Starzyński, a medievalist and heraldist from the Institute of History at Jagiellonian University, analyzes the coats of arms and seals of Wadowice, ranging from the oldest representation of the town’s emblem to the one „adorned” with papal keys in 1995. The first part concludes with a review of Wadowice’s historical monuments by Dr. Mirosław Płonka of the Institute of History and Archival Studies at the University of the National Education Commission, Kraków. The second part of the volume, organized chronologically and thematically, was authored by two historians: Dr. Dorota Żurek from the National Education Commission, Kraków and Dr. hab. Tomasz Graff, professor at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Kraków. Dr. Żurek outlines the early history of Wadowice, including the town’s foundation, social and economic development, and its functioning within the duchies of Oświęcim and Zator. Meanwhile, Professor Graff, a medievalist and scholar of the city’s early history, delves into the history of Wadowice’s church, as well as the lives of Wadowice students at the Kraków Academy who pursued clerical careers.
Keywords: monograph of Wadowice, first volume, Karol Witkowski, Sławomir Dryja, Mirosław Płonka, Marcin Starzyński, Dorota Żurek, Tomasz Graff
298 – 300
Dzieje miasta, t. I, Pod rządami książąt oświęcimskich i zatorskich, red. T. Graff, K. Meus, Wadowice 2024, s. 26.