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Katarzyna Wądolny-Tatar
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
University of the National Education Commission in Krakow
ORCID: click here
The hybrid art of Emil Zegadłowicz. Między słowami. Zegadłowicz w świecie sztuki, literatury i teatru, red. H. Czubała, J. Kulczyńska-Kruk, J. Warońska-Gęsiarz, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jana Długosza, Częstochowa 2024 – monograph review
The article is a review of the contents of the collective monograph Między słowami. Zegadłowicz w świecie sztuki, literatury i teatru [Between the words. Zegadłowicz in the world of art, literature and theatre] (2024). It also makes an attempt to capture the changing tendencies of scientific description and methodological perspectives, with the help of which Emil Zegadłowicz’s work has been presented in recent years (including new regionalism, auto/bio/geo/graphy, affect studies, identity studies, logovisuality). He appears as a liminal hero of these studies, avoiding clear appraisement, subjected to literary and artistic revisions, functioning between times (e.g. wars), styles (e.g. on the boundaries of literary eras, accepting and rejecting their heritage), showing a fondness for primitivism and high art, existing between the world of nature and the world of culture, triggering ambivalent social and reception reactions and causing extreme emotions, surrounded by admirers and contestants of his person and work. Whereas is work is perceived as multidimensional and hybrid, diverse in terms of aesthetics and worldview.
Keywords: the work of Emil Zegadłowicz, a review of the collective monograph
314 – 325
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