„Kukłoterapia” w czasach mrocznych. Wadowicki Teatr Lalek w latach 50. XX w.

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Joanna Porawska

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„Kuklotherapy” in the Dark Ages. Wadowice Puppet Theater in the 1950s.

The article is based on materials from a private archive and the recollections of Joanna Porawska. It focuses on the activities of the „Aladdin” Puppet Theater, which operated under the County Union of Municipal Cooperatives in Wadowice between 1951 and 1967. Czesław Lempart, a decorator and set designer, and Kazimierz Porawski, a director, together with a group of friends, employees of the County Union—actors and technical assistants—created performances for children and adults during those challenging times. Their efforts were not limited to staging successive plays, which often served as children’s first contact with culture. They also left a record of their work in the form of posters, preserved official documents, and numerous writings reflecting the realities of life at the time. Thanks to their awareness that only what is written down will endure for future generations, it is possible today, after many years, to attempt a partial reconstruction of the era’s landscape.

Keywords: Czesław Lempart, Kazimierz Porawski, Wadowice, Puppet Theater, County Union of Municipal Cooperatives


238 – 254


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