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Ewa Bartos
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
University of Silesia in Katowice
ORCID: click here
e-mail: ewa.bartos@us.edu.pl
Intrusive thoughts. About Children’s room by Emil Zegadłowicz
The Children’s Room. The intrusive dialogues behind the scenes of the puppet theatre are bitter sarcasm, directed at both the reader of the drama and the author himself. The reader, immersed in the reading, becomes one of the author-hero’s playthings, who observes the course of erotic fantasies that, let us repeat, happen ‚behind the scenes’. Sexuality is an intrusive force that organises and influences a person’s life and feelings. It clutters his head. „Intrusive thoughts. On Emil Zegadłowicz’s The Children’s Room” is an interpretation of the work, with particular attention paid to the way eroticism functions in it, „sexual obsessions” and the introduction of the poetics of scandal.
Keywords: eroticism, pornography, reader, intrusiveness, scandal, play
13 – 30
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https://depotuw.ceon.pl/bitstream/handle/item/3268/3000-DR-FP-74222.pdf?sequence=1 [dostęp: 20 XI 2023 r.]