Prof. dr hab. Stefan Witold Alexandrowicz (1930-2024)

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Karol Witkowski

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Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences


Professor Stefan Witold Alexandrowicz (1930-2024)

The author presented in their article the figure of a outstanding geologist, educator, and science popularizer, a long-time employee of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Professor Alexandrowicz served as the Deputy Director of the Institute of Regional Geology and Coal Deposits and as the head of the Departments of Historical Geology, Stratigraphy and Paleontology, as well as Stratigraphy and Regional Geology. He was a member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, chairman of the Quaternary Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Polish Geological Society and the Polish Malacological Society (as a co-founder and honorary member). His academic output includes over 500 scientific publications, including two articles published in the annual journal Wadoviana, where he also acted as a reviewer. He passed away on August 8, 2024, and was laid to rest at the Cmentarz Rakowicki in Kraków.

Keywords: Stefan Witold Alexandrowicz, geology, stratigraphy, paleontology, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków


287 – 288


Jan Sarnicki – nauczyciel, geograf, twórca map plastycznych, „Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny”, 2009, nr 12, s. 171-231

Marian Książkiewicz i jego Arkusz Wadowice, „Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny”, 2011, nr 14, s. 202-225.

Netography [dostęp: 18 IX 2024].