Roman Gajczak. Człowiek z zasadami

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Bogdan Szpila


Roman Gajczak. Man of principle

The author presented the figure of Roman Antoni Gajczak in their article, a lawyer and writer, an enthusiast of American literature, philately, and art, as well as a translator of English literature. Born in 1935, the author of books and several hundred press articles was a member of the scouting movement in his youth. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Jagiellonian University and worked as a lawyer until the 1980s. He maintained connections with residents of the United States, including Professor Ron Carter, with whom he developed a personal relationship during Carter’s stay in Poland. Gajczak wrote about his hometown and the figure of John Paul II. Passed away on April 7, 2024, in Wadowice.

Keywords: Roman Antoni Gajczak, Jan Paweł II, american literature


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