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Karol Witkowski
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Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences
Where do the people of Wadowice get their tap water from?
Konrad Meus, Marcin Witkowski, Człowiek i woda. Dzieje wadowickich wodociągów i kanalizacji od XIX wieku do współczesności. Jubileusz 90-lecia wadowickich wodociągów 1934-2024, Wydawnictwo Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków–Wadowice 2024.
The narration is based on three elements: the history of the company, the history of the city, the region and people, as well as technological threads. In the subsequent periods discussed, these elements are not balanced, which is probably due to the availability of sources, but may be interpreted by the reader as too deep into digressions. A great advantage of the book are the illustrations. Numerous archival photographs, technical drawings and maps allow us to understand the discussed topic. It is worth noting that the multi-threaded history of Wadowice’s water supply and sewage system, although it has already been discussed in several articles that the authors referred to in the introduction, it was only in the monograph Człowiek i woda that it was comprehensively presented and set in the realities of place and time.
Keywords: monograph, review, sewage systems, Konrad Meus, Marcin Witkowski, Wadowice, waterworks
326 – 328