W ostatniej chwili. Typowanie terenów pod lotniska dla samolotów towarzyszących (współpracy)na terenie powiatu wadowickiego i sąsiednich. Przyczynek do dziejów przygotowań obronnych Rzeczypospolitej w 1939 r.

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Michał Siwiec-Cielebon


At the last minute.
Choosing Grounds for Airports for Army Cooperation Aircrafts in Wadowice County and Adjacent Areas. How It Contributed to the Poland’s Defensive Preparations in 1939.

This article is a contribution to the history of planning defence operations in the Second Polish Republic, more specifically the preparation of the areas for aviation infrastructure. The cited documented information allows us to learn not only how the areas for field airports were searched, but also what requirements (parameters) these areas had to meet. At the same time, thanks to information concerning land ownership relations, it allows us to see elements of some of the economic problems of interwar Poland. Those included the deficit of land in the countryside, the dwarfism of peasant farms, the debt and bankruptcy of some landed gentry farms and even the price of of one morga of land in the Kraków voivodeship in the last year before the outbreak of the Second World War. The author also mentions that most of the plans described in the article did not manage to be implemented before September 1939.

Keywords: Polish Army 1939, Aviation 1939, Airports 1939, Accompanying Air crafts, September Campaign, Campaign 1939, Polish Campaign, Wadowice Lands.


159 – 169


Archival sources

Wojskowe Biuro Historyczne – Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe

WBH-CAW, I.300.38.191.


Steblik W., Armia „Kraków” 1939, Warszawa 1975.