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Joanna Pytlowska-Bajak
Muzeum Miejskie w Wadowicach
A forgotten post-war poster
At the end of last year, it was purchased for the collection of the Town Museum in Wadowicea poster inviting to a music concert performed by students of prof. Janina Zagórska. The event was scheduled for August 1, probably 1945, in the hall cinematheatre „Gdynia” in Wadowice, was a continuation of the concert tradition brutally interrupted by the outbreak of World War II.
Keywords: Town Museum in Wadowice, Janina Zagórska, poster
286 – 287
Rodkiewicz I., Życie przy fortepianie. Wspomnienie o Janinie Zagórskiej, „Wadoviana. Przegląd historyczno-kulturalny”, 2015, nr 18, s. 209-212.