Zarys dziejów Gminnej Spółdzielni „Samopomoc Chłopska” w Wadowicach

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Andrzej Kotowiecki


An outline of the history of Municipal Cooperative „Samopomoc Chłopska” in Wadowice

The article describes the history of the Communal Cooperative „Samopomoc Chłopska”, which was founded in 1945 as a continuation of the agricultural company from the 19th century, then registered as the „Towarzystwo Rolnicze”. Among the first members of the cooperative were the inhabitants of the villages of the Wadowice commune: Radocza, Tomice, Witanowice, Klecza Dolna and Klecza Górna, Jaroszowice, Barwałd, Ponikiew, Gorzeń and Babica. The cooperative was involved in trade (it had shops), small production (wood products, glassmaking), grain and eggs were purchased, and later a butcher’s shop was launched. „Samopomoc Chłopska” became involved in educational activities – it launched the Technical School of Commerce in Wadowice.In the 1960s and 1970s, the cooperative developed and modernized – it ran several dozen shops and restaurants (including „Czartak” and „Mikołaj”). New legal regulations introduced after 1939 hindered the functioning of the „Peasant Self-Help” cooperative, which had to reduce the number of employees from 500 to 140 and lease some commercial premises, restaurants, production points and collection points.

Keywords: Cooperatives, „Samopomoc Chłopska”, Wadowice commune


223 – 231